Advance Search

Preface to the Special Issue on Modeling and Data Analysis Methods for the SMILE mission
TianRan Sun, Hyunju Connor, Andrey Samsonov
2024, 8(1): 1-4. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023089
The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the SMILE Mission
S. Sembay, A. L. Alme, D. Agnolon, T. Arnold, A. Beardmore, A. Belén Balado Margeli, C. Bicknell, C. Bouldin, G. Branduardi-Raymont, T. Crawford, J. P. Breuer, T. Buggey, G. Butcher, R. Canchal, J. A. Carter, A. Cheney, Y. Collado-Vega, H. Connor, T. Crawford, N. Eaton, C. Feldman, C. Forsyth, T. Frantzen, G. Galgóczi, J. Garcia, G. Y. Genov, C. Gordillo, H-P. Gröbelbauer, M. Guedel, Y. Guo, M. Hailey, D. Hall, R. Hampson, J. Hasiba, O. Hetherington, A. Holland, S-Y. Hsieh, M. W. J. Hubbard, H. Jeszenszky, M. Jones, T. Kennedy, K. Koch-Mehrin, S. Kögl, S. Krucker, K. D. Kuntz, C. Lakin1, G. Laky, O. Lylund, A. Martindale, J. Miguel Mas Hesse, R. Nakamura, K. Oksavik, N. Østgaard, H. Ottacher, R. Ottensamer, C. Pagani, S. Parsons, P. Patel, J. Pearson, G. Peikert, F. S. Porter, T. Pouliantis, B. H. Qureshi, W. Raab, G. Randall, A. M. Read, N. M. M. Roque, M. E. Rostad, C. Runciman, S. Sachdev, A. Samsonov, M. Soman, D. Sibeck, S. Smit, J. Søndergaard, R. Speight, S. Stavland, M. Steller, TianRan Sun, J. Thornhill, W. Thomas, K. Ullaland, B. Walsh, D. Walton, C. Wang, S. Yang
2024, 8(1): 5-14. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023067
The CCD instrument background of the SMILE SXI
M. W. J. Hubbard, O. Hetherington, D. J. Hall, T. W. Buggey, S. Parsons, T. Arnold, A. Holland, C. Pagani, S. Sembay
2024, 8(1): 15-24. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023054
SMILE soft X-ray Imager flight model CCD370 pre-flight device characterisation
S. Parsons, D. J. Hall, O. Hetherington, T. W. Buggey, T. Arnold, M. W. J. Hubbard, A. Holland
2024, 8(1): 25-38. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023057
Simulation of the SMILE Soft X-ray Imager response to a southward interplanetary magnetic field turning
Andrey Samsonov, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, Steven Sembay, Andrew Read, David Sibeck, Lutz Rastaetter
2024, 8(1): 39-46. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023058
Global hybrid simulations of soft X-ray emissions in the Earth’s magnetosheath
Jin Guo, TianRan Sun, San Lu, QuanMing Lu, Yu Lin, XueYi Wang, Chi Wang, RongSheng Wang, Kai Huang
2024, 8(1): 47-58. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023053
Deformations at Earth’s dayside magnetopause during quasi-radial IMF conditions: Global kinetic simulations and Soft X-ray Imaging
ZhongWei Yang, RiKu Jarvinen, XiaoCheng Guo, TianRan Sun, Dimitra Koutroumpa, George K. Parks, Can Huang, BinBin Tang, QuanMing Lu, Chi Wang
2024, 8(1): 59-69. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023059
Hybrid-Vlasov simulation of soft X-ray emissions at the Earth’s dayside magnetospheric boundaries
M. Grandin, H. K. Connor, S. Hoilijoki, M. Battarbee, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, K. Papadakis, M. Palmroth
2024, 8(1): 70-88. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023052
Mshpy23: a user-friendly, parameterized model of magnetosheath conditions
Jaewoong Jung, Hyunju Connor, Andrew Dimmock, Steve Sembay, Andrew Read, Jan Soucek
2024, 8(1): 89-104. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023065
Solar wind ion charge state distributions and compound cross sections for solar wind charge exchange X-ray emission
Dimitra Koutroumpa
2024, 8(1): 105-118. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023056
Two methods for separating the magnetospheric solar wind charge exchange soft X-ray emission from the diffuse X-ray background
YingJie Zhang, TianRan Sun, Jennifer. A. Carter, WenHao Liu, Steve Sembay, ShuiNai Zhang, Li Ji, Chi Wang
2024, 8(1): 119-132. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023068
Using restored two-dimensional X-ray images to reconstruct the three-dimensional magnetopause
RongCong Wang, JiaQi Wang, DaLin Li, TianRan Sun, XiaoDong Peng, YiHong Guo
2024, 8(1): 133-154. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023064
On the apparent line-of-sight alignment of the peak X-ray intensity of the magnetosheath and the tangent to the magnetopause, as viewed by SMILE-SXI
Andrew Read
2024, 8(1): 155-172. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023062
Estimating the subsolar magnetopause position from soft X-ray images using a low-pass image filter
Hyangpyo Kim, Hyunju K. Connor, Jaewoong Jung, Brian M. Walsh, David Sibeck, Kip D. Kuntz, Frederick S. Porter, Catriana K. Paw U, Rousseau A. Nutter, Ramiz Qudsi, Rumi Nakamura, Michael Collier
2024, 8(1): 173-183. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023069
Finding the magnetopause location using soft X-ray observations and a statistical inverse method
Gonzalo Cucho-Padin, Hyunju Connor, Jaewoong Jung, Brian Walsh, David G. Sibeck
2024, 8(1): 184-203. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023070
Tomographic reconstruction of the Earth’s magnetosheath from multiple spacecraft: a theoretical study
A. M. Jorgensen, TianRan Sun, Y. Huang, L. Li, R. Xu, L. Dai, Chi Wang
2024, 8(1): 204-214. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023088
Origins of perturbations in dayside equatorial ground magnetograms
Syau-Yun W. Hsieh, David G. Sibeck
2024, 8(1): 215-221. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023087
Magnetopause properties at the dusk magnetospheric flank from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations, the kinetic Vlasov equilibrium, and in situ observations − Potential implications for SMILE
Marius Echim, Costel Munteanu, Gabriel Voitcu, Eliza Teodorescu
2024, 8(1): 222-233. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023066
The magnetosheath at high spectral resolution
K. D. Küntz, D. Koutroumpa, W. R. Dunn, A. Foster, F. S. Porter, D. G. Sibeck, B. Walsh
2024, 8(1): 234-246. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023060
Background removal from global auroral images: Data-driven dayglow modeling
A. Ohma, M. Madelaire, K. M. Laundal, J. P. Reistad, S. M. Hatch, S. Gasparini, S. J. Walker
2024, 8(1): 247-257. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023051
Converting TREx-RGB green-channel data to 557.7 nm auroral intensity: Methodology and initial results
Jun Liang, D. M. Gillies, E. Spanswick, E. F. Donovan
2024, 8(1): 258-274. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023063
Ground-based and additional science support for SMILE
J. A. Carter, M. Dunlop, C. Forsyth, K. Oksavik, E. Donovon, A. Kavanagh, S. E. Milan, T. Sergienko, R. C. Fear, D. G. Sibeck, M. Connors, T. Yeoman, X. Tan, M. G. G. T. Taylor, K. McWilliams, J. Gjerloev, R. Barnes, D. D. Billet, G. Chisham, A. Dimmock, M. P. Freeman, D.-S. Han, M. D. Hartinger, S.-Y. W. Hsieh, Z.-J. Hu, M. K. James, L. Juusola, K. Kauristie, E. A. Kronberg, M. Lester, J. Manuel, J. Matzka, I. McCrea, Y. Miyoshi, J. Rae, L. Ren, F. Sigernes, E. Spanswick, K. Sterne, A. Steuwer, T. Sun, M.-T. Walach, B. Walsh, C. Wang, J. Weygand, J. Wild, J. Yan, J. Zhang, Q.-H. Zhang
2024, 8(1): 275-298. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023055
Analysis of the joint detection capability of the SMILE satellite and EISCAT-3D radar
JiaoJiao Zhang, TianRan Sun, XiZheng Yu, DaLin Li, Hang Li, JiaQi Guo, ZongHua Ding, Tao Chen, Jian Wu, Chi Wang
2024, 8(1): 299-306. DOI: 10.26464/epp2023061